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9 Cards Home Launcher(桌面启动器) v1.1.4 安卓版 下载-

2025-01-22 15:56:28 22
9 Cards Home Launcher是一款增强桌面程序,它以九宫格卡片式的形式来高度定制你的桌面主页,以提高你的Andr​​oid体验。

★ Share your favorite App Collections with your friends and circles with a simple link. Become and expert curator and get the recognition you deserve in the 9 Cards Community.
★ 9 Cards Everywhere. New modes are now available in 9 Cards Everywhere. Beside the usual side panel now we support full screen at a glance configurable selection of your 3 favorite collections and top level actions.
★ New animations. New animations are now available for the card transitions.
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